Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Sports Passes and kiddos

Josh and I bought sports passes (minus football :( sorry Josh) so we can get in to a lot of different games at BYU. So last Thursday we went to the Women's soccer game (we were ranked 8th in the nation)! I had never been to one, and I wasn't sure what I was going to think of it, but it ended up being a blast! Josh's friend Derek showed up with his roommates and we cheered strong from the bleachers. I actually got really into the game, which is really unlike me for sports. We ended up winning 5 to 1! Woo! Go Cougs :) There was also a free dance afterwards, but it ended up being really lame because no one really showed up to it. Lame-o people. I haven't been to a dance in forever and I am eager to find a good one.

This was an accident... but I actually like it.

Beautiful mountains in the background

Can you see where I burned myself with my curling iron??

This past weekend we were also able to babysit for Josh's aunt and uncle. They are awesome people and I love their two girls as well! Elle absolutely LOVES Josh. She copies everything that he does (which makes me worried sometimes haha) and always asks for him, even when we were away for the summer, and she is only 4! She is quite the funny gal! Through out the night she said some pretty funny things, such as telling me that I "have a cute bum". Where did that come from, I'm not sure. But it was hilarious. And then I got some baby time with Bailey. I just love babies! She was so fun to hold and make smile. Can't wait to watch those kiddos again :)

Elle and the sandbox




Random kid's pet duck??

Trip to Idaho

Labor day weekend my sis Chels and her hubby Chase were blessing their baby girl in Rexburg, Idaho. We are only 4 hours away from them which was lucky that we were able to go up! My parents even flew in to Provo and drove with us up there. It was a fun trip to take with them and we had several adventures.

The first adventure that we had was stopping at the Brigham City Temple which had not been dedicated yet so people could tour the temple. Spur of the moment we decided to pull over and walk through! Oh man, it was beautiful! It had a theme of peaches and you could see it through out the whole temple. It was absolutely breath taking to see all the detail and how it shown so brilliant white inside. People being able to walk through these temples before their dedication is one indicator that the temples aren't secrets, and we as LDS aren't hiding things from people. But the Temple, once it is dedicated, is the Holiest place on earth and is revered as extremely sacred to us. I just love temples! I wonder where our next trip will be :)

One of the other experiences that we had was the Taco Bus. It was a Mexican restaurant that was literally in a school bus. They had seating in the front end and the kitchen in the back. And ya know what? It was actually quite delicious!!

Well we got to Rexburg and were able to spend a lot of time with the fam, which is always great. Brynlee (Chels' baby) is the most precious girl ever. I am so in love with her. She is beautiful and the sweetest thing. Being an aunt is a new experience and I am absolutely loving it! I was able to rock her back and forth, sometimes in silly ways, and I could always get her to fall asleep in my arms. I was the go to gal for getting a sleeping babe. I loved being able to do that. And watching Josh hold her... Oooh. He is going to make an amazing father one day. I think "Dad" will look good on that man :). I miss Brynlee already and I'm excited to see how she grows up and how personality develops! Thanks Chels and Chase for letting us be part an amazing new phase of your life!

Brigham City Temple

My mom is the best grandma :)

hahaha oh chels.

hey, healthy looks good on you

Josh and I are always looking for ways to be healthier, and motivation to actually do it. And I think that we realized that some things need baby steps. At least for me anyway. So for the month of September we decided to not eat sugar. I always say "no sugar September"and Josh so kindly reminds me that it is "sugar-free September" because we are "free" from the bonds of sugar, or it sounds better that way. Something like that at least. And when we say no sugar we mean no real obvious sugars like cookies, chocolate, candy, ice cream (yikes!!)... We didn't decide to do extremes but to start little and see what happens. We are half way through the month and going strong! I honestly thought I would die because I love ice cream and chocolate, but so far it has been a piece of cake ;) I'm wondering if I'll keep going with this after September or what else will come next... I feel like not much has changed about me (aren't I supposed to magically lose weight or something?!), so that can be the opposite motivation that I need, but I really have a desire to be an overall healthier person! Next up... a better work out routine (is that even possible with school?!?) Wish us luck!