Wednesday, May 23, 2012


Well, for those of you who didn't know, me and Josh moved to Omaha Nebraska two days after arriving back in CO after our honeymoon. We packed all of our belongings in my little old car and we headed out to a place that we are very unfamiliar with on our way to new adventures! It was a very straight car ride with not much scenery other than my very handsome husband, which made for easy driving.
See the part that says "You are nowhere"... That sums it up haha
 I'm sure my car was thankful for that. We have been here for about four full days now and I think it is just starting to hit me that I am married... and I am absolutely loving it!

Oh I guess I should explain WHY we are living in Nebraska. Well, Josh got a job working for Pinnacle selling security systems for the summer. It is something that he has never done before but it has some potential for some money, which being newly weds means that we really need it. Today was his first full day selling by himself with just a couple days of training, but yesterday he was able to make his first sale! I know that he will do amazing because he has such a people person personality, he is very friendly but also convincing and the fact that he is a very dedicated and hard worker and when he puts his mind to something he can do anything! He is already working very hard and I am so proud and lucky to call him all mine!

Our apartment that we are living in is more than we will probably have for a while now! It is pretty spacious with two large room, two full bathrooms, kitchen, a den, dining room area and the washer and dryer. We love it (except for the fact that there was a dog living there before us and we don't have a vacuum!)

We know a couple of people living close by to us. And when I say we, I mean Josh. He has an Aunt and Uncle and their kids who live about a mile away from us! We didn't know that we would be that close to them and we think that it is pretty awesome! We were able to go over to their house the day that we arrived and have dinner with them and get to know their family a little better. I also had the wonderful opportunity of babysitting 3 of their kids the other day all day which was awesome as well! (I wish I could get a nanny job out here but I love nannying and I already miss my babies back home in CO).

While Josh is at work, I sit at home relaxing and enjoying life. Haha just kidding. I am enjoying life but I have kept pretty busy these past few days. I've been unpacking and putting together our house! It makes me a little sad because I wish we could take this apartment back with us to Utah, but that isn't going to happen. And we didn't bring all of our stuff that we go from the wedding out here either because we didn't have much room so the house isn't as complete as it could be. I have had to make several trips to the store as we try and get all the essentials to living. I've been cooking meals (this is a bit of an accomplishment to me) and I love being able to do that for Josh so that when he comes in at night that I can give him a good(ish) meal and he doesn't have to worry about cooking after a long day at work! I am beginning to feel like a wifey and I am loving it. But I am also low on recipes so any recipes that you all like please please please share!!

I am on the hunt for a job as well as having to work on an online class and teach myself more Spanish over the summer, so no matter what I think I will be pretty busy this summer! I think we are  going to have a great time here, starting our new life with just me and him, doing new things in a new place. It is going to be great and I am very optimistic for our future.


  1. I'm glad to see that you are pronouncing O-mah-ha properly :) I glad that everything is going well for you guys. Love you!

  2. OK, you put about 2 cups of whole wheat pastry flour in a round bottom bowel. Add a couple of table spoons of oil and salt and mix it all together until the oil balls are really small. Then add cold water until it makes a stiff mass. Pinch off a piece smaller than a ping pong ball, dip it into a the flour and then pinch it into a pancake shape, then roll it with a rolling until it makes a nice round tortilla. Then while standing several feet from the stove, toss the tortilla like a Frisbee at Josh, he will know what to do with it at that point.

    I love your posts! : )

    1. Thank you for the tortilla recipe! We will be making this in the near future that is for sure. I love tortillas, and I love watching my man show his awesome cooking skills as well :) I will let you know how he does :)

  3. Hey something that I make that's really easy and yummy is like a lasagna pasta. My mom makes it at home and I kind of just made it my own. Cook any kind of pasta noodle (like penne or shells--stick with the smaller ones) while browning your hamburger meat. After your meat is browned, add in chopped onions (I also add green or red bell-pepper because I always have it in my fridge.)When the onions are cooked through, add one can of pasta sauce, about half a cup of cottage cheese and about 2 ounces of cream cheese. Let the cream cheese melt into the sauce. Once the sauce is done, pour it over the top of the noodles and cover with cheese. Then cook in the oven on 350 for about 25 minutes or until heated through. It's a really easy recipe and we love it! Hopefully that helps a bit. I totally know how you feel about making something different every night. It's kind of hard, but it gets easier.

    1. Thanks for the recipe Jamie! I will have to definitely try it out! I just bought a lot of those things today too, so perfect. :)Tonight I am trying out a Spinach Manicotti... we will see how it goes! One day I will get the hang of cooking meals every night and coming up with new things. There is hope! ;)
