Wednesday, May 23, 2012

First Date Night in NE

I love date nights. Even when they are random and low key. We decided to go out and do something Saturday night because Josh got home earlier than I thought he would! Our first stop: Walmart to get a few supplies like milk and movies. We love movies and we don't have any TV channels so movies are essential right now. After that we decided we were really hungry so we wanted something to eat and pretty quick. We put Little Ceasar's into the GPS (we still don't know where most things are) and it was three miles away. So we set out. It was stormy and rainy though so we thought curling up and snuggling to a movie sounded pretty nice. On the way to LC I saw a Texas Roadhouse and I got REALLY excited. I love that place so much! So Josh decided that is what we should have :) We got there, ate a lot of rolls, ordered our meal and then took the rest home so we could relax! It was a wonderful night! I love this man and our fun, random dates.

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