Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Post office what?

So you have heard a little from the one and only Emily, I guess that means now it’s my turn.  To be honest I have never done anything like this.  The words “blog” or “post” have never been in my vocabulary until just recently, and even then they were just being used in ways like “what is a blog or post office what?”  I mean this is the guy who doesn’t even have a Facebook.  Yes you read that right, me, a 22 year old college student has no Facebook nor have I ever had one.  Sorry to all those hoping to stalk me a little, I guess that means you’ll have to get a little creative this time, you know like get off your computer and actually meet me in person, crazy right? J  I know what you’re thinking, “how does he survive?  Even my grandma has a Facebook.”  I know, I know, as tough as it may sound I somehow manage to keep a constant heartbeat.  As you can tell, “sarcasm” is a little more common in my vocabulary than the words “blog” or “post” but don’t lose hope, I’m up for a new challenge.  You’ll have to stay tuned and see if I crash and burn or somehow stay afloat J


  1. Well hello Josh! Nice to meet you;) sarcasm is awesome, thus you are awesome!

    1. I'm glad to see it is so easy to achieve awesome status in your eyes :)
