Friday, February 28, 2014

more suggestions?

I posted on Facebook yesterday for book suggestions from people and I got a few responses and resources that were great. Are there any more thoughts out there about good books (fiction, labor, motivational, historic fiction or any other must reads)?? I love how I can post questions and ask for opinions and be able to get help and answers from a variety of people! Social networks can be so awesome sometimes.


  1. Some really good reads are The Confessions of Charlotte Doyle; The Westing Game; Ella Enchanted; Carry On Mr. Bowditch; and Amelia Peabody series by Elizabeth Peters. Happy reading!

  2. I love the Jane Austen ones, Pride and Predjudice, etc. also the Bronte sisters: Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte and Wuthering Heights. They are all classics!
