Saturday, February 9, 2013

new buttons!



It is amazing how a little change to an old thrifted jacket can make a big difference. I wanted new buttons to spruce this jacket up, but buttons are kinda expensive! And I really did not see any that I loved at the craft stores that I looked at. I was probably looking at all the wrong places, but regardless hubby and I had a better idea. We went to DI in search of a jacket that had buttons that I liked! It would cheaper to do that anyway. And we found buttons that I liked! They are black and have anchors and rope on them. I have a love for things with anchors on them right now. It was perfect!

Soon I will be posting some other projects that I've been working on too :) Look at me go!


  1. Look at you go is RIGHT, you are amazing sis!! I LOVE those black buttons and what a genius idea to go to DI! Can't wait to see all of your other projects!
