Sunday, January 13, 2013

the adventures of the poor, young basement-dwellers

*disclaimer to Josh's angry face. He was not actually angry in these pictures. I told him to make a face while he cleaned up the nasty water, and he just happened to look angry. I think he was more going for disgusted ;)

Its midnight a couple nights ago, and I am in bed, all curled up and comfortable. I have the pillows just the way I want them. I am relaxed and am seconds away from drifting off. And then I hear from the bathroom, "honey... we have a problem...." And of course, instead of getting up right away, I ask several questions first. Like, what is wrong? How much water is there? How far did it go? and... Are
you sure? And then after I was very sure that there a problem, I got out of my warm bed and was greeted by a nice pool of water streaming through our hallway.

Something was going on with our pipes and water was being pushed out of our shower drain. So I had to call our landlord (aka, my boss!) at midnight to figure out what was going on and make sure that our apartment wouldn't flood. Josh took several trash cans full of water outside so that we wouldn't flood. The next day our landlord came and snaked our drains and after him working for several hours on our place, we thought the problem was, ta-dah! fixed. Until this morning when our landlord calls us and asks if we have had any problems this morning. Well, I had not gotten out of bed yet, so I stepped out of bed and walked to the bathroom to find myself in a puddle of more yucky water. Blah. A plumber came out and did some work, and they say that it is all fixed now for sure. Well I will believe it when I see it ;) It was crazy, but I am glad that our carpet and things weren't ruined and that our amazing landlord was so willing to come fix the problem right away!

Oh and you can all witness with us the smallest bathroom in the world! Yay us! ;)

It is funny the crazy things that we deal with as newly-weds. All the adventures that we already have had (good and not so good at the time). They all make for great stories. Even though these things aren't convenient or wanted, I honestly am glad that I have the great memories that I do that keep us on our toes! I love that I have hubby to witness life with me.

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