Monday, August 6, 2012

All finished!!

A year and some months later, I am FINISHED with my online American Heritage class. And let me tell ya, it was hard. And let me tell ya something else, it feels so incredibly good to have it all done!! There was a lot of stress building up to taking my final exam. I had ordered my test to come in to a testing center in Billings, and then two days later found out I was moving in a couple days. The test didn't come in when I thought it would, it was due by the 9th and mailing time took longer than I thought. The testing center wasn't calling me back. Oh and the fact that I spent hours and hours studying and not sure how I was supposed to remember everything. And then Monday rolled around. The day we were supposed to move. The testing center still not calling me back so I wasn't sure if the test had even arrived. There were lots of prayers and lots of support from husband. He is so great at helping calm my worries. Even though I keep worrying, I know that he will always be the calm one especially when I really need it. One of us has to be calm! We eventually went over to the school to track down this lady who was not calling me back. After lots of waiting we eventually found the woman and lo and behold my test had come in the mail!! I was able to take my test while husband went back home and packed up all our stuff! I took the test (I didn't fail. score!) and right after we hopped in the car and moved to Bozeman, Montana. We dropped off our stuff in our hotel and then kept on driving to Island Park, Idaho for the Peterson family reunion! Feels so good to have that class done and be able to enjoy the last few weeks before school starts up again! Oh, and I got an A- in the class. Nothing short of a miracle.

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