Sunday, June 17, 2012

Father's Day

To the man that has been there through it all. The man that always supported me, loved me, and spent time with me. To the man who knew how to push me to be the best that I can be. To the man who I could always count on. To the man who used to steal my blankie EVERY night before I went to bed, but who always got caught.

 To the man who would take me out on daddy daughter dates, those will never be forgotten. To the man who helped teach me to walk, talk, run, ride a bike, do my math homework, drive, check my oil in the car and everything in between. And when I grew up, who let me make my own mistakes as I worked my way through life trying to find who I am. To the man that has faithfully kept the priesthood which so blessed our home. To the man who has worked hard to provide for our family. To the man who knows how to be playful. To the man who has been one of my greatest friends all of my life. To the man who I love. Who I call dad, daddy, papi, and the occasional Frank when I can't get your attention. Happy Father's Day. I love you so much, and I am eternally grateful for all that you have done for me and all that you still do. I hope you had an extra special day and felt the love that I have for you, and the love of all of those around you. You are incredible!


Your favorite daughter :)



  1. Wow! I was half way through your post before I realized that you were talking about me :) I often wonder what my children think of me - as I contemplate all of my shortcomings. I'm glad to know that you have over looked them (for at least one day of the year) and have chosen to remember the positive. I love you very much and am very proud that you have grown up to be such beautiful woman - inside and out. Dad
