Wednesday, April 4, 2012

We can fly!!

Best pic of the night!

Words can't describe this pic.
Josh's favorite

This past Thursday Emily and I had the opportunity of going to my International Business professor's house for a class party.  My professor has had a very successful career in his lifetime with some of his highest achievements coming from AT&T in Japan.  We knew he was successful but we didn't realize how successful he was until we got to his place.  As the night went on we became little kids in a candy shop.  What surprises awaited us around the corner? As we toured the house we were flabbergasted (I don't even know what that means but it sounds cool) with each room.  This house had little hidden tunnels connecting different rooms, a castle room with a slide and princess tower, secret passages, and the biggest home theater I've ever seen.  I mean heck we would have loved just living in one of his garages.  The pictures below show a few of our many adventures that night.

 Looks like a pantry door, right?? WRONG!
 It is a secret room that leads to a different part of the house. Food and laundry room I think?

And here is video clip of one of the secret passages in his house. So awesome.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my heck, Jordan would LOVE this! We were just talking last night about how we wanted to have secret passages in our house and THEY REALLY EXIST?? I'm a lot jealous that you got to play around with so many cool things! And those flying pictures... completely amazing!
