Saturday, March 24, 2012

Festival of Colors

The Festival of Colors is an annual celebration at a Hindu Temple (we went to the one in Spanish Fork). The temple is one of the biggest in America. It was mine and Josh's first time going even though practically every BYU student has gone/did go. I think there are more LDS kids there than there are Hindu! But either way, it is a crazy experience where you get very colorful! You walk around and basically throw colored chalk at people (the more clean you look, the bigger target that you are). People here are not afraid to throw chalk at you even if they don't know you. I got some good throws in the face a few times! And this lady gave me a hand print on my leg. It was definitely interesting. And then at one point (about every 2 hours) they count down from ten and everyone there throws chalk in the air! It is so cool to watch! When you are in the crowd though you only can see for a minute before you are completely surrounded by chalk dust. The colors blur together and you become engulfed in a brown mass. It was a little scary and hard to breathe! But still fun! I'll let you watch a clip if you've never heard/seen/experienced this festival. It was a blast! Even with the 2 1/2 mile walk there from the car :)


We didn't even make it to the place without getting splashed with color!

Got nailed in the face.

I like his pink eyelashes

At the Hindu Temple

The chalk!

Wild crowd!

So many people! And the music was kinda strange.

Josh's friend Derrek showed up to join us in the fun.

The end of the festival adventures. Such a mess!

Look how dirty we got! Took this right after he took off his shoes!

He forgot to shake off his hair before he got in the car... so he just stuck his head out the window haha

And just in case you were wondering, our hair still has streaks of color in it even after washing it out. Hopefully it doesn't stay long! It was a fun experience and I was so grateful that I didn't get lost from Josh. We even had a place to meet if I did haha. 

I recommend going people! It is awesome! :)

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Before We Knew We Were In Love

haha! ha... hahaha!

Dentist! Anyone know a dentist?!


These are the first pictures we ever took together. We didn't know then how amazing our friendship would be and that love and marriage would be coming our way. We were just two best friends having a fun time with a camera :) It is crazy how life happens. And I wouldn't change a thing.