Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Last night

Yesterday I made barbecue kabobs with green peppers and fresh pineapple! I don't know why I was so excited about my little creation, but I was. And I was glad that Josh didn't get home super late so that we could go together to grill them at the one at our apartment complex clubhouse :)

 After dinner we decided to make homemade tortillas, just for fun and in preparation for dinner today :) This is something that Josh learned to make on his mission. I love to watch Josh put to use his awesome skills! He made them all, while I stood there and looked, well, comfortable haha :) Thank you Granny T for the recipe!

We are young, poor and don't have a lot of space to move things back and forth so we have not bought a rolling pin yet. We improvised and used a cup instead :)

And then, as if the night could get any better, we watched Rocket Power on our ipad!! I loved that show as a kid and haven't watched it in years! It was fun to cuddle with my babe and enjoy a show that we both liked as kids.

1 comment:

  1. ROCKET POWER!!!! Oh my goodness, you are the coolest:)

    You two are both looking so tan! I may be a little jealous over here. And those homemade tortillas look scrumptious, I think I need the recipe and step-by-step directions. Or I need you to come and make them for me!
