Thursday, July 5, 2012

fireworks, frozen yogurt and humidity

Fourth of July my friends! And it was so STINKIN' hot and humid! I really have no good feelings about humidity. So on this hot day me and Josh did a little shopping and then stopped by Red Mango for some frozen yogurt. It was actually my idea to go there which is a little weird because I am not a huge fan of frozen yogurt. It's just a not so great wannabe ice cream, and ice cream is just soooo much better. But on this hot day it was so refreshing!




Me. See the red face?? SO HOT.
We then went to Josh's aunt and uncle's house for food, family and fun! It was so great to spend time with them!
The culd-de-sac [how in the world do you spell that!] with all  the action

oops. too close.

Their neighbors had TONS of fireworks that lasted at least an hour long. 

Savannah was probably more fun to watch than the fireworks. She was absolutely loving them and her cute facial expressions showed it.
She was fun to have as a buddy. She certainly loves Josh!

Our feetsies. Always some sort of feet or shoes picture right?

And we found this epic fail video which I thought was pretty hilarious. Our firework show was by far better than San Diego's. ha. hahaha. hahahaha.

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