Saturday, August 11, 2012

i'm a wanna be

Confession of a nobody: When I created this blog, I wasn't exactly sure what I was going to make of it. I knew that I wanted my family to be able to see the things that I was up to. I knew that I wanted to be able to look back and remember all the little and big events of my life. But aside from that, I wasn't too sure what else by blog would be and I don't think that I really thought any about it. As I began to get more into the blogging world and reading other, more well known blogs, I have discovered that I want more out of my blog.

I have a slight obsession with fashion blogs (although you probably couldn't tell from my own wardrobe). I absolutely love them. I love how they give me new ideas for new outfits and ideas for how to wear my current wardrobe in different ways. I love how they inspire me to try a little harder to be more put together. As a college student, and especially as a stay at home wife right now, I need that motivation to not just throw on a pair of sweats and go about my day. It is more than just the way I look. It is how I feel in what I wear. When I put a little more effort into what I wear and the way I look, I FEEL better. I feel that I have more energy. I have more confidence in myself. I smile more. I am more outgoing. It is crazy how such a simple thing can have all of these effects. 

But then it gets hard. Because I don't have the money to make my wardrobe how I want it. Even with my love of thrift shopping. I also do not know how to use blogger to its full potential. Nor do I have a nice camera to take the pictures that go along with a fashion blog. I dream that one day I could add fashion into the everyday aspects of my blog. As I evolve, so does my blog. It is an amazing process and one day I will be able to reach my goals. And I think  I need to remember that things happen little by little and with a lot of effort. If I put the effort in, I can do whatever I want to. So as I play around with the idea of adding a "fashion blogger" aspect to my blog, we will see what happens. Maybe when I get back to school and actually have my wardrobe with me, I will take a step toward that direction. And maybe I will discover that it is not for me. But I will not know until I try it out. 

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